Typescript for DOM manipulation

Md. Al-amin Howlader
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

If you want to manipulate DOM by using typescript I think this blog is helpful. In typescript, you need to assign a variable type. I try some manipulation below:

1. Get an element by id.


<h1 id=”element”>Hello World!</h1>


Here an id name element. If you want to get it with typescript you use this:


You can put it into a variable like:

const element:HTMLElement = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById(‘element’);

You need to define which type of item you put into it. If we get an element by id we get a html element. For this reason we need to define it as HTMLElement.

2. Get elements by class name:


<div class=”box”>Box1</div>

<div class=”box”>Box2</div>

<div class=”box”>Box3</div>

<div class=”box”>Box4</div>


Here are four different divs with the same class box. We want to get these items.

const boxes:HTMLCollectionOf<Element> = document.getElementsByClassName(‘box’);

We know that if we get elements by class name it will return a HTML collection. Which is an array-like object.

So that we need to define its variable with HTMLCollectionOf<Element>

3. Compare innerText with number:

To compare html element innertext you need to convert it a number otherwise you cannot compare with a number.


<h1 id=”element”>56</h1>


const element = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById(‘element’);

if(element.innerText < 60)

In javascript, we can compare like that but in typescript, we can’t. Because element.innerText is a string. We can’t compare a string with a number. So we need to convert one of them to another.

if(element.innerText < ‘60’)


if(+element.innerText < 60)

First ex. 60 is converted to a string and the second ex. element.innerText value is converted to a number with + sign.

If you want mathematical operations like ( + , — , * , / , % ) etc. you need to follow the same way.

This for today.

